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Make a Gift From My IRA

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IRA Charitable Rollover

You may be looking for a way to make a big difference to help further our mission. If you are 70½ or older, you may also be interested in a way to lower the income and taxes from your IRA withdrawals. An IRA charitable rollover is a way you can help continue our work and benefit this year.

Flowchart: Donor directs IRA custodian to make an IRA charitable rollover gift to .

Benefits of an IRA charitable rollover

  • Avoid taxes on transfers of up to $108,000 from your IRA to our organization
  • May satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year
  • Reduce your taxable income, even if you do not itemize deductions
  • Make a gift that is not subject to the deduction limits on charitable gifts
  • Help further the work and mission of our organization

How an IRA charitable rollover gift works

  1. Contact your IRA plan administrator to make a gift from your IRA to us
  2. Your IRA funds will be directly transferred to our organization to help continue our important work
  3. Please note that IRA charitable rollover gifts do not qualify for a charitable deduction
  4. Please contact us if you wish for your gift to be used for a specific purpose

Gifts from your IRA

If you are 70½ or older, you can use your IRA to fulfill your charitable goals. You can use the "Make a Gift From My IRA" tool to contact your IRA custodian and make a qualified charitable distribution. We will acknowledge your generous gifts as a qualified charitable distribution, which may satisfy your RMD, if applicable.

Contact us

If you have any questions about an IRA charitable rollover gift, please contact us. We would be happy to assist you and answer any questions you might have.

Example Stories

Reduce Your Taxes with an IRA Rollover Gift

Margaret was a retired librarian. She volunteered at her favorite charity several times a week and also made several donations to the charity each year. Margaret saw that her taxes were increasing and wondered how she could continue to do extra things like make charitable gifts with lower income.

Margaret: I have been fortunate that I could make gifts to charity every year. My financial advisor told me that because I was turning 73 this year, I would have to begin taking distributions from my IRA. He also told me that because my income was increasing, my tax rate would too.

I started looking at ways to save money and reduce my taxes. I talked to my favorite charity and learned that I could reduce my income and my taxes by transferring money directly from my IRA to charity.

Individuals age 70½ and older may make gifts directly from their IRA to a qualified charity. Individuals age 73 and older must take "required minimum distributions" from their IRA each year. With the IRA charitable rollover, these individuals can transfer up to $108,000 per year directly to charity and it satisfies the required minimum distribution.

Margaret called her IRA custodian and requested a transfer of $10,000 from her IRA directly to our organization.

Margaret: I knew that I would never use all of the money in my IRA. I was thrilled to learn that a gift from my IRA could reduce my income taxes this year while helping my favorite charity.

An Easy Way to Help Our Work with Your IRA

Daniel was a retired businessman who volunteered for our organization. When we decided to add a new program, he was excited to help in a significant way.

Daniel: I really wanted to make a larger gift than normal, but I had questions about the best way to fund my gift. I was also concerned about conserving my cash resources for the future.

Daniel learned about the possibility of using his IRA to make a gift for this program. Because Daniel was already over 70½, he could take advantage of the IRA rollover option this year and make the gift to us directly from his IRA.

Daniel: I knew that I didn't really need all the income from my IRA this year. I had enough income from sales of my investments to cover my living expenses.

Daniel decided to rollover $50,000 from his IRA to our organization. He was able to continue to make his normal charitable contributions in addition to the IRA gift without exceeding federal limits.

Daniel: I was thrilled to discover that I could transfer money from my IRA to charity without paying any federal income tax. The fact that my gift qualified for my required minimum distribution amount was an added bonus!

What Will You Do with Your Unspent Retirement Savings?

Michael and Kelly were retired engineers with two adult children. They owned a home, some stocks, and IRAs. They met with their financial advisor to discuss a plan to provide for their family and for some of their favorite charities.

Kelly: We both had a lot of money in our IRAs, more than we could ever use. We wondered if we could pass this on to our children.

Michael: Our advisor explained the problem with giving our retirement savings to our family. He said a majority of the gift would be taxed. We didn't want our children paying any more in taxes than they already pay.

To alleviate their concerns, Michael and Kelly's advisor created a plan that stipulated their stocks and home would go to the children. He then recommended a bequest of the retirement assets be left to their favorite charities. These charitable organizations could then receive all the assets from Michael and Kelly's IRAs tax-free, allowing them to use the funds to further their missions.

Michael: It was easy to make bequests from our IRAs to our favorite charities. We filled out the online forms on our custodian's website that permitted us to allocate percentage shares to charitable causes.

Kelly: This plan met all of our goals. We liked the fact that our children could immediately sell the house and stocks with little or no tax due. We were also happy to help some worthy organizations continue their good work.

IRA Rollover: A Gift with Substantial Benefits

Mark was a retired attorney with a significant IRA and substantial income from investments. He had made IRA rollover gifts to his favorite charity several times in recent years.

Because Mark was over age 70½, he could give away up to $100,000 directly from his IRA to his favorite charity this year. Mark's gift would qualify for his required minimum distribution amount, reducing his income and taxes.

Mark: Making an IRA rollover gift was an obvious solution to my tax situation. Also, I wanted to help the same charity again this year.

Mark gave the maximum amount, $100,000, for an IRA rollover gift this year. Because of Mark's income level, he enjoyed added tax benefits.

Mark: I hope I can reduce my income every year and help my favorite charity with an IRA rollover gift!

IRA Rollover: A Gift with Substantial Benefits

Mark was a retired attorney with a significant IRA and substantial income from investments. He had made IRA rollover gifts to his favorite charity several times in recent years.

Because Mark was over age 70½, he could give away up to $100,000 directly from his IRA to his favorite charity this year. Mark's gift would qualify for his required minimum distribution amount, reducing his income and taxes.

Mark: Making an IRA rollover gift was an obvious solution to my tax situation. Also, I wanted to help the same charity again this year.

Mark gave the maximum amount, $100,000, for an IRA rollover gift this year. Because of Mark's income level, he enjoyed added tax benefits.

Mark: I hope I can reduce my income every year and help my favorite charity with an IRA rollover gift!

Is an IRA rollover gift right for you?

Have you calculated what your IRA required minimum distribution will be this year and how it will affect your taxes? If you have questions about how you can benefit from an IRA rollover, please feel free to contact us.

*Please note: The name and image above are representative of a typical donor and may or may not be an actual donor to our organization.

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